
Monday, May 3, 2010

Bonjour Paris!

Dear New York.

I love you. You have are a consistent source of inspiration and an unharnessed life force. I draw energy from your dense, noisy streets and am calmed in your lush parks. But you have been a callous companion. I've grown tired of the subway and the hustle, the morning commute, the $20 brunch menu, and the general grayness. I'm leaving you, to continue my love affair with Paris, its streets, museums, and above all its FOOD!

Hey Devon

Is that too dramatic? I like its cinematic flair. I'm not prone to diva behavior a la Maria Callas, but it'll give me something to chew on while I'm folded into an airplane seat. I'm off to Paris and then south into Burgundy. I'll be headquartered in Dijon, where I plan to eat about five meals a day, let my nose do the decision making, and basically roll around town because I'll be numb from all the good eating. I CAN'T WAIT!!

Pictures will be forthcoming. Notes are a must. I have a long list of places to try from enthusiastic friends. You WILL be hearing from me.


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